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Create a Firebase Project

Firebase is Google’s mobile application development platform that offers a multitude of services including authentication, push notifications on Android, analytics, and many others.

You need to create a Firebase project to take advantage of these services for your application: Authentification & Firebase session, push notifications for Android and Firebase analytics for iOS & Android.

Create a firebase project

Creating an account on Firebase is free up to a certain volume (details here). Firebase’s Spark plan is free and offers many features to get started. As your needs grow, you can then opt for the Blaze Plan.

Go to

Sign in with your Google account.

Create a new project: you need to create a new project for each application.

New project creation

Choose a name. Follow the steps and confirm.

Project name selection

If you want to enable analytics, you need to select a Google Analytics account associated with your account.

Analytics selection

Once the project is created, you are redirected to the dashboard.

Firebase dashboard

Configuration for an iOS and/or Android app

If your application is already published in an iOS & Android format and you want to benefit from analytics or push notifications, you also need to add your application: iOS, Android, or both depending on your distribution.

Please make sure to start with the iOS app, then create the Android app afterward.

Adding an iOS app

Here is how to add an existing iOS app to Firebase.

On the Firebase console, click on the iOS icon

In the form, insert the Bundle ID of your application. The other fields are optional.

Bundle ID insertion

Click on the Download GoogleService-Info.plist button

Download plist file

For the next steps, click Next and return to the console

Next step

Go to your PandaSuite dashboard in the Apps > Settings > Firebase Configuration section

Firebase configuration

Import the .plist file; the fields are automatically filled in

Import plist file


Adding an Android app

Here is how to add an existing Android app

On the console, click Add an App and the Android icon

Add Android app

In the form, insert the Package name of your application. The other fields are optional.

Package name insertion

Click on the Download google-services.json button

Download json file

For the next steps, click Next and return to the console

Go to your PandaSuite dashboard in the Apps > Settings > Firebase Configuration section

Import the .json file; the fields are automatically filled in.

If you have already imported the .plist file corresponding to the iOS app in the interface, replace it with the .json file of the Android app.

Import json file
