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Exporter un fichier APK ou AAB

The APK (Android Package) file is a package containing the files of an application in Android format. It is through this that it is possible to install an application on your device. You can export the APK file of your application from your dashboard.

Since August 2021, Google requires a new format for new applications entering the Play Store: the Android App Bundle (AAB) format. This lighter format replaces the old APK format. It is now possible to export your application in AAB format, while the APK format is still used for sideloading.

Export the Apk / Aab File

Go to your dashboard in the Apps section.

Create a new application or select an existing application.

Go to the iOS / Android tab and click on Export APK / AAB.

export apk aab

Fill out the form with the following information:

  • Icon in 1024 x 1024 px format
  • Application name
  • Device compatibility: Mobile and/or Tablet
  • Version and build number
  • Loading screens
  • Package type: choose whether you want to get an APK or an AAB for the Play Store
  • Distribution mode: Publish on Google Play Store or Distribute outside the Play Store (sideloading)
  • Signature: you have the choice between several options:
    • Sign with your certificate (EasySign): you must first have a Developer account. You will be asked to upload the P12 certificate and its password, as well as the Application ID. You can choose the Application ID of your choice in the following format: Note it well, as it will be requested again for your Firebase configurations.
    • Use the PandaSuite certificate: this option is only available if you distribute outside the Play Store. It allows you to use the PandaSuite certificate and thus does not require a Google Play developer account.
    • Sign manually outside of PandaSuite (expert): export your unsigned APK file and manually sign it (mainly intended for IT departments).

Click on Validate.

Generating the APK / AAB can take a few hours. You will receive an email when it is available, and you can find it in the iOS / Android tab of your dashboard.