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Each object has its own triggering events. It can be a user behavior (click, tap …) or a feature of a component (pause …). Each trigger is associated with an action.

Add a trigger

To add a trigger, select an object and go to Actions. Click the + button. Choose the trigger and then an action.

Add Trigger Screenshot

You can create 2 actions with 2 different triggers on the same object.

Standard triggers

These triggers are available for all graphic objects (text, image, Pop-up, Gallery, shape…). They correspond to an action of the user on this object:

  • Tap / Click
  • Double tap / click
  • Touch down: when the screen is touched.
  • Touch up: when the screen is no longer touched.
  • Swipe down
  • Swipe up
  • Swipe left
  • Swipe right
  • Mouse over: when the cursor enters the object area.
  • Mouse out: when the cursor leavers the object area.
Standard Triggers Screenshot

Component triggers

Some components have specific triggers related to their characteristics.

For example, here are the triggers of the Video Player:

Component Triggers Screenshot

If you create markers on your component, they appear at the top of the list.

Markers Screenshot

For more information, please refer to the corresponding article for each component.

Auto trigger an action

To automatically trigger an action (without user action), select the screen or report and the trigger: Display screen or Display state. The action will be initiated automatically when it loads.

Read more: Automatically trigger an action.