Upload assets
Import your own files and media (images, videos, animations…) to personalize your user interface.
Supported formats
Before importing files into PandaSuite Studio, ensure they are in a compatible format. Here are some commonly accepted formats:
- Icons / images: JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, SVG
- Audio: MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, M4A
- Image sequences: GIF
- 3D Models: GLB, GlTF
- Documents: PDF (must be previously zipped)
- After Effects Animations: exported in JSON format
- 360° Images & Videos
Ensure that the size of your files is appropriate. Large files can affect your project’s performance.
There is no automated import option from Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. Export your designs as images and import them into your application.
💡 For the best rendering on all devices, we recommend working with your images at @2x, especially for HD/Retina resolutions.
Import files
To import a file:
- Click on the Files icon in the upper menu of the PandaSuite Studio interface.
- Click on the Import your files button.
- A window will open, allowing you to navigate your computer to select the file(s) you want to import.
- Select the file(s) and click Open. The files will then be imported into your project.
- You can import multiple files at once by holding down the Ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) while selecting files in the import window.

The files you import remain accessible in your project’s file manager. They are associated with a project, not an account.
During import, thanks to cloud technology, each file is automatically optimized for efficient use within your application, which significantly reduces the size of your application.
Use your files
Once your files are imported, you can drag and drop them directly onto your scene.
You can also use them in various components and features, such as adding background sounds, background videos, interactive images, etc.
Manage your files
You can check the number of times each file is used by clicking on the preview icon.
You can download an already imported file to your computer. Hover over its name and click on the dropdown menu to display the options. Click on Download.

Delete files
To delete a file, hover over its name and click on the dropdown menu to display the options. Click on Delete.
You can also delete all unused files in your project:

PandaSuite has not integrated an image bank. However, there are many websites offering free resources (icons, UI kits, images, animations…) that you can use for your application. Check out the article on our blog: Essential UI Design Elements for Your App Project