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How to report bugs to support

When you report a bug to the support team, it is important to provide as much information as possible so that we can quickly identify the problem and its origin.

A bug that we are able to reproduce is a half-solved bug! The best way to diagnose a bug is to record your screen showing the problem and how to navigate to the area where the problem occurs.

Here are several methods to record your screen and send additional information to the support team, depending on the bug.

We recommend using Loom, a free tool to quickly record and send your screenshots. Just copy and paste the URL into the support team’s form.

Record your screen from mac

To record your screen from a Mac with Loom, you can choose between the Chrome extension or the Loom desktop application.

Alternative: via the Mac controls, you can quickly and easily record a screenshot by pressing ⌘⇧5 (CMD+Shift+5). You can resize the selection frame as needed, take a capture or record a video, select a window or the entire screen.

Save the video and then send it to our team via an upload link (Wetransfer etc.).

Record your screen from pc

To record your screen from a PC with Loom, you have the choice between the Chrome extension or the desktop application.

Alternative: Windows 10 includes a tool, the Xbox Game Bar, for gamers, which allows you to make a video capture of what is displayed on the screen. Click on the Start menu > Windows Settings. Go to the Games menu and make sure the Game Bar is in Enabled mode.

Open the application (or game) you want to record a video capture of and activate the Game Bar using the Windows keyboard shortcut + G. Then click the record button to start the video capture, and click the window of the program you want to capture video of.

Save the video and then send it to our team via an upload link (Wetransfer etc.).

Record your screen from an iphone or ipad

Download the free Loom app for iOS and click the button to save your screen. Once captured, copy and paste the link into the PandaSuite form.

Alternative: iOS offers a screen recording feature. On iOS 14 or later, go to Settings > Control Center, then tap the Add button next to Screen Recording. Open Control Center on your device. Touch and hold the Gray Record button, then touch Micro. Touch Start Recording, then wait for the three-second countdown.

Save the video and then send it to our team via an upload link (Wetransfer etc.).

Screen capture instruction on iphone

Record your screen from an android device

The Loom application allows you to record the screen of your Android for free. Download Loom from Google Play

Save the video and then send it to our team via an upload link (Wetransfer etc.).

Find the version number of pandasuite studio

PandaSuite Studio evolves regularly. The application for MacOS and Windows updates automatically when it is opened and when an Internet connection is available.

In the bug report form, when it occurs in PandaSuite Studio, we ask you to indicate the version number of PandaSuite Studio to check if you have the latest version.

To find the version number of PandaSuite Studio, open the menu and look at the bottom of the list.

PandaSuite Studio version number location

Find the version number of pandasuite viewer

To access the version number, open the left menu of PandaSuite Viewer.

PandaSuite Viewer version number location